Tekashi 69 (6ix9ine) sent his condolences to the family of George Floyd and asked his followers to stick together, amidst the chaos of rioting after he was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin.
6ix9ine Sends Condolences To George Floyd's Family
Tekashi 69 (6ix9ine) posted a clip of himself to his Instagram (IG) account sending his condolences to the family of the murdered "unarmed" African-American man, George Floyd, who dead in the hands of police officers. In what seems like the first sincere video the "Gooba" artist has shared since his release from federal custody, the antagonistic rapper briefly said:
"What's up everybody, so I wanna to start off this video by saying that, I see what's going on globally, I see the outrage, I see the chaos.
"I know everybody knows my situation. I'm still not a free man. I'm home under supervised release. I can't speak on certain topics, umm, but what I want to do and what I am going to do is send out my deepest condolences to the Floyd family."
He continued, "Unfortunately when stuff like this happens, umm and in the situation I'm in right now, not being able to speak on certain topics, the best thing I can say is, let's stick together the way we've been doing. Umm, again my deepest condolences."
6ix9ine, who isn't a stranger to drama recently posted a video to his IG account showing the rapper and an associate dancing, whilst he previewed his new music.
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