Directed by Maxime Quoilin, Meek Mill collaborates with Justin Timberlake in this mature, dramatic, and inspiring visual.
Follow Your Dreams Not Your Addictions
When he's not feuding with his ex partner Nicki Minaj, the "Going Bad" rapper Meek Mill - Robert Rihmeek Williams - reminds us of what he's actually appreciated for - his lyrical talent.
The inspirational song by the duo, and it's video courtesy of Maxime Quoilin entails high levels of maturity - try to ignore the war with Nicki Minaj for a moment lol - teaming up with Justin Timberlake to give us "Believe".
Your Redemption Is Drawing Near
We didn't find it hard to notice the change in storytelling, especially it's vibe. The song evidently encourages those influenced by "dark matters" to make a change as the video follows a female boxer, and an imprisoned man who clearly require some soul searching.
If you're interested in the verse from the Bible beautifully spoken by the lady at the end of video, feel free to learn more about Luke 21:28.
The music's in contrast of the typical interpretations of "luxury lifestyles" usually portrayed by hip hop artists, and let's not forget profanity, and under dressed women. As a fan of Meek Mill - and of course Mr JT - it gives us hope to expect more from the "Championships" lyricist who recently paid tribute to slain rapper Nipsey Hussle at the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards.