After an UK music and culture platform erroneously stressed that Drake, "put on" several UK music artists including Skepta and Headie One, the internet went into a frenzy.
Did Drake Put On U.K Rap Artists?
LOL! It's not everyday that we have to speak upon the matter, but earlier today, the internet went a little wild after misinterpreting an idea concerning Drake and our very own Skepta, as well as other prominent UK artists.
Going viral, an UK music and culture platform, 9Bills, suggested that "Drake put on Skepta, Giggs, Dave and Headie One on to the global stage," triggering many, including ourselves who allowed the idea of being "put on" take the spotlight.
Later speaking to 9Bills via Twitter, the creator made clear that the response was misunderstood (and it was), considering one said "to the global stage" and didn't mean, "made them", or anything that would imply, Drake was the reason for the UK's come up.
Considering that this is a video article, feel free to read more about this debate in an article we wrote earlier.
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