Learn the meaning of a 'side piece' and 'side chick', and perhaps gain an understanding on how not to become one.
What Does A Side Piece Mean?
A Side Piece is commonly illustrated as a mistress who sexually engages with a partner without any official, or emotional attachments. In some instances, a side piece may be oblivious to the infidelity of a cheating partner, unfortunately believing that they were the "only" interest at the time.
Considering that a relationship with a side piece isn't official, there may be rules for parties to follow in order to prevent issues. As insignificant as it sounds, a side piece generally understands that they aren't prioritised as the "main partner" and never will be.
What Does Side Chick Mean?
In regards to the side piece vs side chick debate the terms are usually indistinguishable, but differ on who they refer to. Side piece can be used by anyone as it doesn't expose the gender of the party unless used with pronouns - e.g "that's my side piece" opposed to "he/she's my side piece".
A woman is generally referred to as a "side chick" as the term contains the word "chick", the slang alternative for "woman", "female" or "girl". Is it ok to call someone a side piece or side chick? Some people consider it derogatory, but it depends on the tolerance of those use it, especially when considering their culture and traditions.
Side Piece Examples
The canadian born rapper and "Toosie Slide" artist Drake apologised to his friend Kylie Jenner for unintentionally calling the beauty mogul and reality TV star Kylie Jenner a side piece in an unreleased a song.
The song was accidentally leaked in a live stream triggering many, like artists haven't been calling women b*tches for the last 20 years or so - LOL, we're not saying it's ok though.
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