What happened to Rylan Clark, after the BBC presenter denied accusations of paying teen for sexually explicit pics? The celebrity responds on social media.
Rylan Clark Denies Paying Underage Minor
When you've got to clear your name, you've got to clear your name! BBC Radio 2 broadcaster Rylan Clark, 34, finds himself at the center of a scandalous controversy, amidst a trend of perverted revelations concerning celebrities being exposed (including Philip Scholfield's). Recent reports have linked Rylan's name to issues of a BBC presenter paying a 17-year-old teenager over £35,000 for sexually explicit pictures. However, Rylan Clark wasted no time in taking to social media to vehemently deny them.
In a strongly worded statement shared on Twitter, Rylan expressed his disbelief and frustration at being associated with such serious arguments. He wrote on social media, "Not sure why my name's floating about, but re that story in The Sun - that ain't me, babe. I'm currently filming a show in Italy for the BBC, so take my name out ya mouths." The mother of the alleged recipient has come forward to describe the mystery presenter for "destroying her son's life," a life that apparently lead to a heavy addiction to crack cocaine.
What Is The BBC Doing About The Scandal?
While the BBC confirms that the presenter in question is not scheduled to be on air in the coming days, the corporation has taken the accusations seriously and is conducting an investigation into the matter. Rylan Clark's denial of involvement sheds light on the potential misunderstanding surrounding these allegations.
The child's mother, who made the initial allegations, expressed her deep distress over the situation. She told The Sun, "I feel sick when I see the presenter, and I blame him for destroying my son's life." According to her, the family reached out to the BBC on May 19th in an attempt to halt the presenter's alleged cash exchanges.
On that note, who could it be?
Rylan Clark on Twitter
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