The British model and presenter Maya Jama has announced that she will not be continuing her contract with BBC Radio One from June.
Maya Jama Quits Radio One
The BBC Radio 1 presenter Maya Jama has made the "very difficult decision" to not continue her Radio 1 contract. The 25-year-old model and presenter who joined the weekend line-up in 2018 will not renew her contract from June, and has already broadcast her last show on Friday 3rd May.
Did somebody say Maya Jama should host next year's Love Island? OMG we really, really wish.
The bombshell told her fans in the Instagram post below: "My loveess ❤️ I've made the very difficult decision not to continue my Radio 1 contract from June, As you know I have been juggling & There are a lot of exciting commitments happening that would mean I'm not able to dedicate the time needed to my weekly radio show."
She continued, "I've loved every moment of my time at Radio 1 and I would like to thank the team for their hard work and friendship during the last two years. It's been a JOURNEY, Thanks to all you cuties that tuned into the show every weekend, it was so great to hear that we have been getting the largest proportion of under 35s tuning in for our on-demand show on BBC Sounds. So we are going out with a bang! Love youuuuu listeners 😘😘😘😘😘".
The BBC Controller of Popular Music Lorna Clarke appreciated the host for "all her commitment and hard work" and said: "We'd like to thank @MayaJama for all her commitment and hard work at Radio 1, and we wish her all the very best with her future. ❤️"
As we're totally gassed by the idea of Maya Jama hosting Love Island, should we start a petition? LOL! on a serious level we sincerely wish her the best in her endeavours, but c'mon it just makes sense. Good luck to the BBC in a finding a replacement.
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