The Kardashian-Jenner sisters got together for a black and white advertisement campaign for the iconic Calvin Klein brand, playing Chinese whispers.
The New Kardashian-Jenner Calvin Klein Campaign
Kylie Jenner posted a new Calvin Klein fashion campaign to her Instagram account featuring all her sisters including Kendall Jenner, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian - video below.
The Calvin Klein (#MYCALVINS) ad which barely has sound other than birds chirping in the background, is a 30 second black and white video that shows the girls playing Chinese whispers.
Kendall Jenner starts the game off by whispering into Kim's ear who laughs and subsequently conveys the message onto Khloe. The message was revealed by the baby of the sisters Kylie, who happened to get it wrong.
What Is Chinese Whispers?
Chinese whispers is a game in which "a message is distorted by being passed around in a whisper". In most cases, the initial message doesn't end up being the same, as it gradually ends up in the ears of the last person to receive it. The final participant then has to reveal what they heard.
Somehow, the billionaire cosmetics mogul Kylie - who hears the message last - heard, "Sandra climbed up a prickly tree and caught a lizard" from Kourtney, when Kendall originally said, "Sandra climbed up a purple tree when she found a lizard she ate it".
Chinese whispers reminds us of our modern times, especially when rumours circulate like wild fires online, and you don't even need to conceal anything with anonymity LOL! The ad appears to be apart of the Calvin Klein #MYCALVINS campaign - scroll and watch it below.
ION: Watch our crush, the beautiful Rihanna take shots whilst doing makeup and also see the baddie Rubi Rose get dirty in her new video.
Calvin Klein #MyCalvins
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