Inspired by the success of No Signal and it's popular NS10v10 sound clash series, TMLine.Radio has joined the band wagon and they've caused quite a stir.
Why Is Beyoncé vs Jorja Smith Trending?
Beyoncé vs Jorja Smith began trending on Twitter on the 12th May due to the release of a "sound clash" schedule disclosed by TMLine.Radio. The impending events are similar to the highly successful #NS10v10 battles devised by the community radio station No Signal, where music from two popular artists are pit against each other.
TMLine.Radio revealed the list of artists names for their upcoming YouTube live stream on their Twitter account. The list was appreciated as it does boast an impeccable roster however, the two female artists in particular stood out the most.
Who is TMLine.Radio? At the time of writing this article TMLine.Radio didn't have a description relevant to who they are on their Twitter or Instagram accounts. Their Twitter account was created in May 2020, and we're assuming that they're a new community radio outfit for entertainment.
Why Are People Upset About Beyoncé vs Jorja Smith?
Some users were displeased with the match as they claimed Beyoncé has more experience, successful hits and popularity - this we agree. Other users didn't even know who Jorja Smith was and began to disparage her efforts without even trying to listen to her - you lot are crazy, she's amazing, seriously!
We felt compelled to have a conversation with R&B RADAR® on Twitter after seeing a post entailing a video of Jorja performing with a live band, saying: "it really baffles me when people say Jorja Smith can't sing".
As we're fans of Jorja, we wanted to know who these haters are to handle them as "opps" LOL! Ok, maybe it's not that deep, but it really baffles us too as we think that Jorja Smith's phenomenal.
"Who says that?" we asked, and they kindly told us that they "Just read some of the replies to this post lmao".
TMLine.Radio had initially chose Lizzo to compete against Beyoncé, but had a change of heart after trending responses, we're assuming from users. In a post that included an image featuring the lineup of artists and their competitive dates, the outfit stressed their reason for replacing Lizzo with Jorja.
"After much deliberation and council facing the trending response to the Beyoncé vs Lizzo clash planned for the 22nd of May, we have decided to change the line-up slightly and pit Beyoncé against an Artist of whom we believe she will be more evenly balanced against.", they posted here.
Why is Tanizzle triggered over the list? Well, we really love both Beyoncé and Jorja Smith and consider them Tanizzle Queens - quite simply, a list of fabulous inspiring women - c'mon how do we pick? LMAO!
On a serious note without being a stan on both sides, based on the Queen Bey's dominance and the likelihood of a voting system, this isn't a valid match. TMLine.Radio stressed an "evenly balanced" contender and clearly forgot about Alica Keys.
Continue scrolling below and listen to our girl Jorja Smith if you're not familiar with her abilities.
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