Is it even possible to self patronise, because most of the time we do it to ourselves. Learn how to reach success, achieve your goals, and become the next Rich Dad Poor Dad success story.
Hello New Year
Before we begin we'll like to wish you a very happy new year, and happy birthday to us - isn't she wonderful! was born today on Wednesday 1st January 2020. Please support our cause for independent journalism by liking our social media profiles like Tanizzle on Facebook, and Tanizzle on Twitter, and be sure to like, share, and comment
As with every year of your life you've made it through the countdown, and it's possible that you got your first kiss of the year - if mature enough it. What's next on your list the gym, swimming pool, more healthy food, wanting to know about the best exercise to lose belly fat, or you're considering no more relationships because the last one was like the last one? The list could be endless and I'm sure that you've heard it all before, but it's time to get a grip and make difference.
The Stress of Things
Nobody wants stress, or to feel pressurised especially when there are goals to achieve. If your main goal's to lose weight it's probably not a good idea to turn on Instagram to witness super flat stomachs, slim thicc, sporty thicc, big thicc, and all the other thicc figures to make you wonder "what the hell am I" lol.
Neither is it a good idea to follow the herd, that's the so called social media influencers - although some are certified - the nobody in your life, and those considered "close" who you fail to fathom that you live for yourself, and must commit to your own goals, and needs.
Follow Your Heart
It may sound cliché, but we have to say it "follow your heart". This should be self explanatory, but you really should and need to. The model on Instagram can inspire you to a certain degree - that's if you constantly wonder how to be Instagram famous, but she too went through a motivational period to look they way she does.
Carefully plan your path as only you can do it whilst considering the time, and balance required to achieve them. It doesn't matter whether you give into books by Robert Kiyosaki - author of the critically acclaimed books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and Rich Dad's Guide To Investing - or watch endless YouTube videos about training courses, or makeup tutorials. You need to gain the knowledge the best you can in order to reach your dreams.
With the words of the Chinese philosopher Conficius "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop", and the thoughts of Carol Burnett "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me it should become obvious who's in control. Try a little harder, and don't let the idea of a new year be a reason to make changes when it could happen every time that you believe in yourself.